Ahmedabad: Additional Sessions Judge Sarga Vyas has sentenced the accused in the 2017 Nawa Sadaj shop owner murder case here to 10 years rigorous imprisonment (RI). The accused, Jagdish Chanabhai Parmar, was convicted of hitting the shop owner, Anil Ramtej Chawarsia, with an iron rod on the head for not giving a hands-free device in Nawa Wadaj.
The court has noted that a serious crime has been proved against the accused. Such a crime cannot be taken lightly and it is necessary in the interests of justice to punish the accused in the strictest manner to set an example in the society, the court commented.
According to the police, Jagdish Chanabhai Parmar hit shop owner Anil Ramtej Chawarsia on February 24, 2017 with an iron rod, causing serious injuries. A complaint of attempt to murder was registered at the Vajra police station. The police arrested the accused Nikhil Parmar. During this case, public prosecutor Dilipsinh Thakor examined enough witnesses and presented documentary evidence and told the court that it has been proved that there was an attempt to kill by hitting an iron rod on the head.