Ankleshwar Ramkund: In a shocking incident, the body of a girl was fished from Kamalam Lake near Ankleshwar Ramkund in Gujarat, police said on Wednesday. Ankleshwar Deputy Superintendent of Police Chirag Desai said that Police Head Constable Dhananjay Singh Jhala of Bharuch Local Crime Branch personally received information that a girl has been murdered in Kamalam Lake in Ankleshwar Ramkund and her body was tied in a bag and dumped to conceal the crime.
Based on the information, Bharuch Local Crime Branch police, Ankleshwar DYSP Chirag Desai and Ankleshwar City A Division Police Station team reached the spot and started searching for the girl's body in the lake with the help of the fire department. The team succeeded to recover the body after hours of hectic efforts.
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A police official said that the body was stuffed in a bag. Police have sent the body for postmortem and further investigation with the help of FSL team is going on. Ankleshwar Deputy Superintendent of Police Chirag Desai while confirming the incident said the Bharuch Local Crime Branch police had received information that the girl's body had been thrown into the lake.
Based on the information, a police team was rushed to the spot which recovered the bidy after hours of hectic efforts, he said. While police did not confirm the cause of the death, it is being speculated that the girl was murdered in a love affair. However,t the circumstances around the alleged murder were not immediately known.
It was also not known whether police have detained any suspects in the case so far.