Jamnagar: A constable working in his fields was shot at during police firing practice in Vijarakhi area of Jamnagar district of Gujarat, sources said on Monday. The victim has been identified as Mansukh Lokhil, 32 years of age, a resident of Vijarkhi village of Jamnagar district. According to Ashwin Lokhil, brother of the victim, Mansukh was working his his fields on Sunday, which are located two kilometers away from the Jamnagar Vijarkhi range when he was shot in his ribs leaving him in a pool of blood.
When relatives of Mansukh came to know about the incident, they rushed to the spot to rescue Mansukh. Ashwin Lokhil, brother of the victim Mansukh said that they immediately rushed Mansukh to the GG Hospital in Jamnagar by 108 ambulance for treatment. At the GG Hospital Jamnagar, the doctors operated upon Mansukh and removed the bullet.
Also read:Man, woman shot at in central Delhi