Ahmedabad:Despite being a dry state, about 4.3 per cent of the adult population in Gujarat is addicted to alcohol, Union Minister of State (social justice and empowerment) stated in a response tabled in the Rajya Sabha. His response came to a question on the alcohol consumption in Gujarat. Figures collected during the National Drug Use Survey 2019 by AIIMS said that 19.53 lakh, that constitutes 4.3 per cent of Gujarat's population, is addicted to alcohol.
Gujarat, in fact, has more people addicted to liquor than Rajasthan (2.3%), Jammu & Kashmir (4%) and Bihar (1%). The national average stood at 17.1 per cent as per the datat. In addition, 1.46 per cent of Gujarat's population i.e. 6.64 lakh people, consume opium, 1.38 per cent or 6.28 lakh people, use sedatives and 0.8 per cent or 3.64 lakh people smoke cannabis. The survey also mentioned that Gujaratis did not consume cocaine, amphetamine and hallucinogen. It did not provide any information on tobacco use in the state.