Gandhinagar:ADalitman was allegedly beaten up by a group of persons belonging to an upper-caste community for wearing good dress and sunglasses in the Banaskantha district of Gujarat, police said on Thursday. The heart-wrenching incident took place at Mota village in Palanpur taluka on Tuesday night. The victim's mother was also attacked following which the victim and his mother were taken to a hospital.
The victim was identified as Jigar Shekhalia, who was standing outside his home when one of the seven accused approached him and launched the attack. Shekhalia was abused and threatened by the accused for "flying too high these days". A First Information Report (FIR) was filed against seven persons at Gadh police station under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections pertaining to rioting, unlawful assembly, outraging the modesty of a woman, voluntarily causing hurt, using abusive language, etc.
Also read:Rajasthan: Goons thrash Dalit man to death over land dispute