Gandhinagar (Gujarat): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday conducted an aerial survey of the affected areas in Gujarat due to Cyclone Biparjoy, officials said. According to officials, 58-year-old Amit Shah along with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel conducted an aerial survey of areas affected at Kachchh in the state.
The Home Minister is in his home state to take stock of the situation in areas affected by Cyclone Biparjoy. He will also hold a meeting with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and other senior officials. They also said Shah will also visit shelter homes and meet people. "He will then visit Mandvi and meet affected people. The Home Minister will also visit the Swami Narayan temple in Bhuj and review food materials and other facilities for the affected people," the officials added.
Also read:Gujarat sets 3 days to limp back to normalcy from cyclone Biparjoy's destruction trail