Ahmedabad:The Gujarat government on Friday launched a mobile application which can monitor the movement of those who have been asked to follow home quarantine for suspected exposure to coronavirus.
The Geographic Information System (GIS)-based app was launched in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Vadodara and Rajkot, principal secretary (health) Jayanti Ravi said.
The Municipal Corporation of Surat is already using the application to keep track of 3,600 home-quarantined people in the city, she added.
"Apart from GIS mapping, the app is equipped with 'Geo Fencing' to alert the authorities if the person moves away from a specific area. It will help us track the movements of around 20,000 persons who are under home quarantine," she said.
Notably, the Gujarat police have so far lodged complaints against 298 persons for violating home quarantine.
Around 3,600 home-quarantined persons in Surat have been asked to install "SMC COVID-19 Tracker" on their smartphones, municipal commissioner Banchhanidhi Pani said.