Kutch (Gujarat): A Class IV employee attached to the BSF's 59 Battalion in Gujarat's Kutch region was arrested on Saturday for leaking secret information to a Pakistan woman spy for the past five years. The accused Nilesh Baliya was working as a peon in the CPWD department of the BSF's 59 Battalion stationed at Kutch. He was arrested by the Gujarat ATS.
The accused was produced before the Bhuj court on Saturday. A 14-day remand was sought by the Gujarat ATS. The court granted 10 days remand of the accused. According to a preliminary investigation, accused Nilesh fell into a honeytrap and passed on classified information to a Pakistani woman spy. He came in contact with a woman named Aditi Tiwari online. He passed on vital information related to national security to her. In return, the accused was paid money by the Pakistani spy.
The Gujarat ATS had information that Nilesh working at the BSF Headquarters office in Bhuj was sharing secret information to the Pakistani agent through WhatsApp. The accused transmitted the ongoing and new construction at BSF Headquarters in the region to the Pakistani agent. The ATS team while conducting technical and forensic investigation learnt that the accused came in contact with the Pakistani spy in January 2023.