Rajkot (Gujarat):In a shocking incident, a two-and-a-half-year-old boy was attacked by a stray dog in Gujarat's Rajkot on Sunday. The incident took place in the Shapar-Veraval area of Rajkot. The injured kid has been identified as Arshad Ansari. According to sources, Arshad was playing outside his home when a stray dog attacked him, however, locals chased the dog away from the area upon hearing the screaming of the kid.
The child's family and locals immediately shifted the boy to Rajkot Civil Hospital for treatment. Currently, the child is undergoing treatment, sources said. "We were on the second floor when one of our neighbours informed us that a stray dog had bitten Arshad on his neck. We immediately rushed downstairs and took him to the hospital for treatment," a family member said. The dogs attacked him and a few of them bit him on his legs. The dog menace is increasing day by day in Rajkot, sources said.