Mumbai : Commercial vehicle maker Ashok Leyland on Friday said it has bagged an order for 1,282 fully-built buses from Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC). The latest order boosts its order book from state transport undertakings to over 4,000 buses, according to the company.
Under the terms of the order, which is one of the largest from a state transport undertaking for a single OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), Ashok Leyland will deliver 55-seater fully assembled BS VI diesel buses in a phased manner to GSRTC, the company said in a statement. GSRTC has had a long association with Ashok Leyland with more than 2,600 BS VI buses already operating successfully in their fleet, including 320 fully-built midi buses, Sanjeev Kumar, President for medium and heavy commercial vehicles at Ashok Leyland, said.