Hyderabad: After Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani tendered his resignation, Congress had a field day of ripping BJP apart. Tweets from various Congress leaders accused BJP's top leadership and the dearth in local leadership of BJP ruled states like Uttarakhand, Karnataka and now Gujarat.
Senior Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala in his tweets said that deep seated infighting in all BJP ruled states and media remaining indifferent but focus only on opposition ruled states. "This shows failure of PM’s & HM’s leadership. If their anointed CM, Sh. Vijay Rupani has failed #Gujarat & its people after 5 years, onus must lie at the doorsteps of Modiji. Time to rid Gandhi-Patel’s ‘Karambhoomi’ of the machiavellian BJP & its leadership," the Congress leader tweeted.
"The resignation of #Vijayrupani shows the dearth, the acute shortage of leaders at state level in the BJP. First #Uttarakhand, then #Karnataka, and now #Gujarat. The party has become incapable, ineffective, and incompetent in leading the country!", Rajya Sabha MP and Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi tweeted.
Working president of Gujarat Congress Hardik Patel on Twitter commented that BJP changed the Chief Minister but people of Gujarat are in mood to change the government itself. He had also tweeted his video reacting to the development.