Ahmedabad: The Ahmedabad crime branch on Sunday arrested a couple from Thane for allegedly trafficking a 15-day-old newborn near the Sardar Patel Ring Road at the Ranasan railway crossing in Ahmedabad. The couple identified as Bipin Sirsath and Monika Sirsath bought the newborn for Rs 2.1 lakhs from one Reshmabhai Rathore from Himmatnagar. They were supposed to sell the infant to Uma Bommada in Hyderabad for Rs 5 lakhs.
Investigation revealed that the accused used special code words for child trafficking--"chocolate" for girls and "lollipop" for boys--the entire racket of child trafficking from Gujarat to Maharashtra and from Maharashtra to Andhra Pradesh was going on for a long time using code words. However, the police are clueless about whether the newborn was lifted from some hospital or was taken from his biological parents.