New Delhi:The statement of a minor who has accused Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of sexually harassing her has been recorded before the magistrate, police said on Thursday. On Wednesday, a court here sought a status report from Delhi Police over the sexual harassment case against Singh. The judge issued notice to police on a plea moved by the protesting wrestlers seeking monitoring of the investigation and recording of the statement of the alleged victims before the court.
The court directed the police to file the report by May 12 when it will further hear the matter. "The statement of the minor female wrestler has been recorded before the magistrate under CrPC section 164. Soon, statements of the remaining six female wrestlers will also be recorded before the magistrate," a senior police officer said.
Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure deals with recording of confession and statement before a magistrate. Police have under CrPC section 161 recorded the statements of all the seven female wrestlers, including the minor, who are complainants in the case. Section 161 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, pertains to the examination of witnesses by police.