New Delhi:A woman has approached Delhi police accusing her husband of faking his identity as a Sikh. This case has come to the fore in the Patel Nagar area of the capital, where a man named Noor Mohammad married the victim by pretending to be a Sikh. The victim came to know about his real identity after two months of marriage. The victim married Gurpreet, alias Noor Mohammad in 2016 when she was a minor at Jhandewalan temple in Delhi.
Noor won the girl's trust by introducing his Sikh friend as his elder brother. The victim said that "I got to know about my husband's real identity when he sent a video revealing his real name." The victim also accused Noor and his family of beating her. She said, " I kept quiet for so long only for my children." Accusing Noor's family, the victim said, "his mother and sister used to threaten me with acid attack and murder." Upon being asked about Noor's profession, the victim said, "he runs a mechanic shop in Prem Nagar."