New Delhi: Jamia Millia Islamia Vice Chancellor Najma Akhtar on Monday assured students that the December 15 violence case would be taken to court, after they gheraoed her office, demanding registration of an FIR against the Delhi Police.
Hundreds of students had demonstrated outside Akhtar's office, demanding the registration of the FIR. Among other demands, they also want the university to reschedule examinations and ensure security of students.
Akhtar tried to pacify the students and said attempts were being made to file an FIR but it has not been registered yet. The vice-chancellor said she has raised the matter with the government and has also sought legal course in the matter.
"Delhi Police entered the campus without permission and the process of filing an FIR against Delhi Police will begin from tomorrow," she said.
She said security has been doubled on the campus. Angry students also claimed that notices were given to vacate the hostel post the violence, a charge denied by Akhtar.
The students barged into the office premises after breaking the lock on the main gate and raised slogans against the VC. They staged a sit-in outside the office, asking the VC to interact with them over issue.