Delhi:With the Ministry of Home Affairs issuing a notice to Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday to clarify his nationality within a fortnight, the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) has sharpened its attack against Rahul Gandhi daring him to come clean on his citizenship. Taking a jibe at the Congress President BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said, "Which is the real Rahul, the one from London or the one from Lutyens Delhi."
Addressing a press conference at the party headquarters, Patra said, "Rahul is synonymous with confusion and mystery. He should come clean. Why did he declare himself as a British national with a UK address while floating Backops Limited, a London-based company where he held 65% of shares as its President. We have all the relevant and authenticate documents with us."
Stressing that the BJP's accusation and the MHA's notice issued during the election is not "political vendetta", Patra further said, "It is the nation's priority to establish the truth. The decision of the Ministry of Home Affairs to seek clarification from Rahul Gandhi is not influenced by the BJP. The MHA has sent the notice on the basis of evidence."
Continuing his tirade against Gandhi, Patra said, "the Congress president is synonymous with confusion and mystery.
Using sarcasm to corner Gandhi, Sambit Patra referred to the "Yeti" footprints claimed to have been found by the Indian Army and said, "The Yeti (Rahul) has left his marks, we just need to hunt him (Rahul) down now".