New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has once again reprimanded Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in view of the worsening coronavirus situation in the city-state. A bench of the High Court headed by Justice Heema Kohli has asked the Delhi government what answer they would give to the families of those who died of the corona. The High Court has asked the Delhi government to file a status report and inform the court about measures having been taken regarding the arrangements related to the performance of the last rites of those who died of the coronavirus. The next hearing of the case will be held on November 26.
During the hearing, the High Court said that the number of deaths is increasing every day. Every day someone is losing someone close to his or her family. What will you answer to them? During the hearing, the Delhi government said that the positivity rate has reached 14 per cent. This is a very worrying situation to which the court said that after a long time you (Delhi government) have awakened from sleep. The court asked if the Delhi government wants to adopt the Feluda testing technique to which the counsel of the Delhi government said that they are considering this option very seriously.
When the High Court asked the Delhi government about the status of ICU beds, the Delhi government counsel informed that there is no shortage of ICU beds. We want ventilators to be provided with 1200 ICU beds. Currently, 500 ICU beds are available with ventilators. The Delhi government further informed that the Central government has promised to provide 750 ICU beds.
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During the hearing, the petitioner told the court that the Delhi government portal showing the real-time availability of beds is not working. Then the court ordered the Delhi government to open the portal immediately and said that see if the data is visible there. Then the Delhi government lawyer said that they have just seen it and it is working.
The court said that we had expanded the scope of this petition in view of the present situation of the coronavirus in Delhi. These days around eight thousand cases are coming up every day. The number of containment zones has reached 406. In this situation, why there is an exemption for the movement of people and that too when the festival season is there and the air quality is quite bad. Wearing masks in public places and social distancing should be strictly followed.
‘Delhi government followed guidelines’
During the hearing, the Central government counsel informed the High Court that the Delhi government has not allowed many activities to be carried out which were necessary. The list of these activities has been submitted to the court. The court has found that the Delhi government has implemented additional measures in view of the festival season and orders have been issued for the same. The court noted that the Delhi government had increased the gathering limit for weddings but yesterday it was reduced to fifty by an order. The court also noted the guidelines with regard to the bursting of firecrackers on Diwali and the guidelines issued by the Delhi government on the occasion of Chhath Puja.