New Delhi:Higher Education and Tribal Affairs Minister Temjen Imna Along on Sunday tweeted, reacting to a clip on Twitter in which a woman from the North-Eastern state alleged having faced racism while managing a stall at the Surajkund Mela in Haryana's Faridabad. The video, which has so far raked up more than 2,400 likes, sees a reporter asking the employee about her experience, to which she recalls being asked uncomfortable questions.
"I initially felt very happy, as this is the first such experience for me. But, I have faced certain very strange questions - "Do you eat dogs or snakes?" - what is this? If you ask me about the stall, about my state, of course, I am going to explain it to you. But asking whether we have access to wheat, dal, and roti back home - what kind of a question is this?", the stall-keeper is seen firing away. "I feel like going back now. I was hurt. We are also a part of India. Just because we are from a faraway state, does not mean we are uncivilised" she says.