New Delhi: Karkardooma Court, Delhi has reserved the verdict on the bail plea of Sharjeel Imam, an accused in the Delhi violence case on Friday. Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat ordered the announcement of the verdict on December 20. During the hearing today, Special Public Prosecutor Amit Prasad said, "I would file written arguments on the bail plea in the court."
The court directed Amit Prasad to send the copy of the written arguments to the lawyers of the accused as the arguments of both the parties were heard in the court on October 4.
During the hearing, advocate Tanveer Ahmed Mir, appearing for Sharjeel Imam, had said, "We want to follow the English law where Indians did not have the freedom to rise. Delhi Police is saying it is a case of sedition if we begin the speech with Assalam-o-Alaikum but what if the speech had started with good morning, then the allegations would have ended."
Mir had said that the prosecution should not be at liberty to draw any conclusions of its own accord. We sue a person not only on the basis of law but on the basis of facts. He had said that two years have passed but the trial has not even started yet. If someone criticizes the policies of the government, should there be many cases against him? There can be many ways to oppose a policy. This can also happen through street demonstrations.