New Delhi:The Delhi High Court Friday modified its order granting interim bail to expelled BJP leader Kuldeep Singh Sengar, serving a life term for raping a minor in Uttar Pradesh's Unnao in 2017, by asking him to surrender after his daughter's tilak' ceremony and then be released again before her marriage. The court had earlier granted interim bail to Sengar for two weeks.
The high court, which was informed that Sengar has been released from Tihar jail this morning, passed the modification order on an application by the victim seeking to recall the interim bail order as she and her family faces threat. A bench of Justices Mukta Gupta and Poonam A Bamba, which had on January 16 granted interim bail to Sengar from January 27 to February 10 on account of his daughter's marriage, directed that the politician shall surrender before jail authorities on February 1 as the tilak' ceremony is scheduled on January 30.
It said Sengar shall be again released from jail on February 6 and surrender on February 10 as the wedding is fixed for February 8. The victim, who was present in the court, said, If Kuldeep Sengar is granted bail, I and the witnesses will be in danger. All the government officials there are his appointees. I request not to release him or else he can get me killed.
Advocate Mehmood Pracha, representing the girl, said the threat perception was also there even when Sengar was in custody and while ordinarily people are released from jail in the evening, the politician has been released early in the morning which shows his clout. Senior advocate Pramod Dubey, appearing for Sengar, opposed the victim's plea saying the court has imposed sufficient conditions on the leader while granting him the relief and court may ask him to stay in his house instead of reducing the period.