New Delhi:A 15-day blood donation drive began on the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's birthday on Saturday, with Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya donating blood at a camp set up at Safdarjung Hospital here. The minister urged citizens to register on the Aarogya Setu app or e-Raktkosh portal to donate blood as part of the 'Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav', which will be held till October 1 -- National Voluntary Blood Donation Day.
So far, 5,857 camps have been approved across the country and 55,8959 donors have registered, an official said, adding 4,000 people have donated blood so far. "Blood donation - great donation! Donated blood under #RaktdaanAmritMahotsav starting from today on the birthday of Prime Minister @NarendraModi. It is heartwarming to be involved in #RaktdaanAmritMahotsavumanity. Be a part of this great work too," Mandaviya said in a tweet.
According to an official source, the drive aims to collect close to one lakh units of blood in a day, besides raising awareness about the need for regular non-remunerated voluntary blood donations. One unit translates to 350 ml of blood. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others Mahatma Gandhi. With this spirit, join Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav beginning on September 17. Every blood donor is a life-saver," Mandaviya had said on Friday.