New Delhi: As former JNU student Umar Khalid, on September 13, completes one year in jail for his alleged role in the Delhi riots conspiracy case, a group of civil society activists on Monday held a public meeting and said his arrest was made on dubious evidence which was tweeted by a BJP leader. The activists said that there is a pattern of secular protests being followed by communalized charge-sheets, and the dubious evidence that has been used to rob people like Umar Khalid and many others of their freedom.
Addressing a public meeting in the Press Club of India, Supreme Court lawyer Prashant Bhushan said, "It's been a year since the arrest of Umar Khalid and two and half years of anti-CAA protests. Those protests were exemplary protests and it had no political involvement, the protests were organised against the law which was not framed according to the Constitution."
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The Supreme Court lawyer said Umar Khalid has been charged under the draconian UAPA, the charge sheet is based on a speech that the accused delivered in Amravati (Maharashtra) on January 17, more than a month before the Delhi riots. The organisers of Monday's public meeting showed the video evidence (Umar's Amravati speech) and claimed that there was nothing in the speech that was seditious or meant to instigate violence.