New Delhi: A complaint has been lodged against unidentified persons for allegedly killing two puppies in Delhi's Dwarka area on Thursday. The Delhi police registered a case following the complaint. The complainant Venesa Alphonso said, "I feed the dogs regularly. But on Thursday when I went to feed the dogs, I saw that two out of six puppies were killed. One was hanging by a tree branch, while the other one was strangled to death."
The pictures of the two stray dogs hanging on a tree at a park went viral on social media, following this people, including animal activists and politicians, condemned the incident and demanded action against the accused. Deputy commissioner of police Harsha Vardhan said that a complaint was received regarding the killing of stray dogs at a park in the Dwarka area. "A case under relevant sections of IPC has been registered against unidentified persons and efforts are being made to identify and arrest the accused," Vardhan said.