New Delhi : A day after the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee recommended her expulsion from the House in the 'cash-for-query' controversy, Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra asked how they could first expel and then ask the government to find evidence. She claimed that the latest decision on her expulsion had just helped her double her winning margin in 2024 elections.
Asserting that she would be back with a bigger mandate in next year's general elections, Mahua Moitra said on X, "Proud to go down in parliamentary history as 1st person to be unethically expelled by Ethics Committee whose mandate doesn't include expulsion. 1st expel & THEN ask govt to ask CBI to find evidence. Kangaroo court, monkey business from start to finish". "Never Waste a Good Crisis they say... - this just helped me double my 2024 winning margin."
Mahua Moitra, who accused Ethics Panel of enacting 'Vastrapaharan' by asking needless questions during her deposition, also thanked panel member JD (United) MP Giridhari Yadav for coming to her rescue like Govinda for Draupadi in the Mahabharata epic. In another post on X, she said, "Take a bow @GirighariYadav for telling it like it is. You truly are the Govinda for Draupadi."