New Delhi:Three candidates filed five nominations as the nomination process for the upcoming Delhi Assembly election began on Tuesday.
On the very first day, Aazad Nafe Singh, Independent, filed nomination from North East Delhi AC-2, Burari; Mohinder Singh of Rashtriya Rashtrawadi Party filed nomination from South West Delhi AC-34, Matiala; and Sri Venkateshwar Maha Swamiji urf Deepak of Hindustan Janata Party from New Delhi AC-40.
The Assembly Constituency-40 candidate filed three nominations. The nominations can be filed at Returning Officer's office of 70 Assembly constituencies and the timing is 11 am to 3 pm.
Candidates contesting the Assembly Election submitted Form-2B-Nomination Paper with a Rs 10,000 security deposit. For Schedule Caste candidates, the security deposit is Rs 5,000.