New Delhi: In a veiled attack at the opposition parties, BJP working president JP Nadda on Sunday said that those who are opposing the amended Citizenship Act are 'anti-Dalits' while asserting that around 70 per cent of people who came to India due to religious persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh Dalits.
"70-80 per cent people who came to India (fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh) were Dalits. Narendra Modi is the biggest protector of Dalits ...Those who are opposing CAA are anti-Dalit.," said Nadda at a meeting on the Citizenship Amendment Act at the NDMC Convention Centre in Delhi.
"Congress and opposition leaders are misleading the country. For them, vote is the topmost priority and not the country. We are not taking anyone's citizenship ...Congress did many mistakes and the Modi government rectified them. Our country was divided on the basis of religion," he said.