New Delhi: A tenant allegedly strangulated the shop owner for demanding rent due in New Delhi's Alipur, official sources said on Sunday. The deceased has been identified as Ajay Kumar, a resident of Hardoi. According to official sources, the accused Mohammad Irshad, a resident of Samastipur, Bihar had taken deceased Ajay's betel shop on rent for Rs 300 per day.
The deceased used to ask for rent from him every day. Enraged by this, Irshad conspired a plan and, along with his accomplice, Dinesh, a resident of Motihari strangulated Ajay with a towel inside an auto rickshaw. The two accused then threw the body into the Mukhmelpur drain.
Also read:Karnataka: Neighbour strangulates 21 year old woman to death, dumps body in front of house, held
Sources said that, on September 9, the Alipur police station received information that the body of a youth was lying inside a drain in the Mukhmelpur area. The police then identified the body and started an investigation into the matter. The special staff team of the police examined more than 100 CCTV cameras installed in the area and arrested the accused. The police have also recovered the auto-rickshaw and the towel used in the crime from the accused.
Earlier in August, a 37-year-old man allegedly strangulated his wife to death inside a car, suspecting her fidelity in Uttar Pradesh's Unnao district. Police said after the murder, the accused sat with his wife's body for a few hours while the couple's two children, aged 5 and 12 years were sitting in the back seat of the car.