New Delhi: The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has asked the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) to direct agencies concerned to use dust suppressant, after a study found it is more effective than spraying water for reducing the concentration of pollutants at construction sites and roads.
The study, undertaken by the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), observed that the use of dust suppressant led to a 30 percent reduction in dust concentration for up to six hours at construction sites and roads, CPCB Member Secretary Prashant Gargava said.
The use of dust suppressant along with water is relatively more effective in controlling pollution than the conventional method of water spraying, he wrote to the DPCC.
"Considering the need for alternative improved measures for effective control of pollution during the upcoming winter season, the DPCC may consider issuing necessary instructions to road-owning agencies and government construction agencies for use of dust suppressant on unpaved roads, roads with heavy traffic and at construction sites," Gargava said.