New Delhi: The Tablighi Jamaat chief, Muhammad Saad Kandhalvi has released an audio message requesting people to co-operate with the government to combat COVID 19. In the audio, he has clearly mentioned that it is very important to cure this dangerous disease and to help the nearby needy people.
Tablighi Jamaat chief urges people to help government He further added that in this crucial time, all should come forward and help each other
In the Markaz incident, Crime Branch and the Enforcement Directorate is in search of Saad and have already issued notice to Saad.
Tablighi Jamaat Markaz has been booked for violating the Epidemic Act provisions and also IPC Section 120B (criminal conspiracy). The Crime Branch will also question the Markaz chief as well as Saad Kandhalvi, who organized such a large gathering of the sect's followers in a situation where coronavirus infection spreads quickly.
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