New Delhi: Four senior students of a government school in Delhi tortured a Class III student by tying his private parts with a silk thread. The incident came to light on Wednesday when his father took off his clothes to bathe him. The matter was reported to the police on Thursday night. According to police, four senior boys of Atal Adarsh Vidhyalaya in East Kidwai Nagar caught the eight-year-old boy when he went to the toilet. He was thrashed by the seniors. Two of them held his hand and feet while the other tied his private parts tightly with a silk thread and knotted it several times.
Moreover, the accused also threatened the victim not to tell anyone about the incident, or else they said they would kill his parents. Fearing that, he kept his mouth shut. He did not go to school for the next two days. Then on December 27 and 28, he went to school even though he complained of pain.