Delhi:Following the arrest of the official who worked as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD) in his office, Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday said that he had no issue with the timing of the action against the alleged corrupt official and strict action must be taken against him to set an example.
A day after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested a Delhi, Andaman Nicobar Island Civil Services (DANICS) officer, Gopal Krishna Madhav, Sisodia said, "I got to know that an officer who is posted at GST and has been an Officer on Special Duty (OSD) with me for 5 years has been arrested for taking a bribe of Rs 2 lakhs. What CBI did is right, strictest action should be taken to set an example."
Over the question of the timing of the arrest, which comes ahead of polling for assembly elections in Delhi, Sisodia said, "I have no issues with the timing of the arrest, whoever takes bribe should be caught immediately. We have zero-tolerance for corruption."
Earlier in the day, Sisodia also took to twitter to demand strict punishment for the allegedly corrupt official.