New Delhi: Days after the Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankar gave his consent to the names of 12 Opposition MPs to the Committee of Privileges to investigate the alleged breach of privilege for their 'misconduct' during the Budget session, he said on Friday, "This privilege comes with very heavy responsibility and that responsibility is that every word spoken in Parliament must be after due thought and after due consideration. It can’t be based on unverified situations."
Addressing the the 61st convocation of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, Dhankar said, "Parliament, the temple of democracy, is meant for dialogue, debate, discussion and deliberations". The Vice-President said India's rise is exponential and unstoppable but malicious attempts to attack it on baseless parameters can come from anywhere. "It is the job of the intelligentsia and every person particularly young minds to take note of it and neutralize it", he said.
Furthermore, lauding the country's agricultural growth for acting as a major catalyst in the economy, the Vice-President said, "Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. Agriculture and agro-based industries are the driving force of our economy and because of them, India is a rising star in the global economy. India attained the status of fifth largest economy overcoming erstwhile rulers UK in the first week of September 2022. Indeed, it is a milestone achievement and the farm and agro sector had a significant contribution in India's global rise."