New Delhi:In her first address for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, United Progressive Alliance chairperson (UPA), Sonia Gandhi, attacked the Bharatiya Janta Party by saying that the party has always been dismissive to its political and ideological opponents. She also alleged that the Modi government has "destroyed the institutions" during the past 5 years.
While addressing the event of People's Agenda- Jan Sarokar 2019, she said, "Regressive forces have systematically dismantled our institutions. The current government has undermined the welfare architecture that was laid down over past 65 years. The present government is not ready to respect the disagreement."
"This government is busy to create such schemes which can favour business tycoons. India needs a government who takes care of its each and every citizen, take their promises seriously, without any discrimination. India needs to form a government which gives equal rights and freedom of speech to all the citizens," she added.