New Delhi:In a veiled attack at Congress amid the ongoing hijab row in Karnataka, Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Wednesday said some people have decided in indulge in "communal and criminal competition" to misinform people on the uniform.
"Every institute has its own dress code, discipline and decorum. But some people here have decided to indulge in a communal and criminal competition to misinform people on the uniform," Naqvi said.
The minister said that such people are a part of the "India bashing brigade", adding that Pakistan does "jugalbandi" with them.
"Pakistan which itself is a forest of crimes and oppression against minorities is lecturing our country on minorities today. But after the partition happened, 23 to 24 per cent of minorities lived there but today, its only 2 to 3 per cent minorities. Here in our country, 8 per cent of minorities used to stay here after partition, which has now increased to 22 per cent. India has over three lakh mosques, over 50,000 madrassas and over 50,000 minority institutes. Minorities here are equal shareholders and partners in society. Those who try to lecture India on minorities should look at themselves first," he added.
Regarding Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's comments on hijab row, Naqvi said that the "communal and criminal competition" on hijab controversy was started by Congress itself.
"First, it was the brother (Rahul Gandhi) who started his rhetoric on hijab and then 'Ladki hu Ladd Sakti Hoon' (Priyanka Gandhi) started hers. Then Pakistan also joined them, but such conspiracy will never succeed," he added.
Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday lent support to Muslim girls amid the 'Hijab row' in Karnataka stating that women have the right to decide what they want to wear.
READ:Amid Hijab row, K' taka government to wait for High Court's decision