New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP from Aam Aadmi Party, Sanjay Singh, denied claims of the exit polls in an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat. He termed the exit polls results as fabricated and said that its numbers have always proved to be deceptive. He claimed that AAP will win all the seven seats of Delhi.
While giving the example of the exit polls of 2004, Singh said, when the actual results of the elections came out to be completely opposite of the exit polls then, it left BJP leaders embarrassed. They were ready to take the oath and started celebrating after the exit polls but when the results came out they were left aghast.
Similarly, in the Delhi assembly elections of 2013 and 2015, the exit poll's numbers proved out to be wrong in the final results.
To uphold his claim, Singh illustrated the assembly elections of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. He also questioned the reliability of the exit polls and said it was observed previously in many sting operations that exit polls were paid.