New Delhi: In the suicide case of Ghaziabad's Bhojpuri actress Akanksha Dubey, an accused has been taken into custody from Ghaziabad. According to sources, a person named Samar Singh has been taken into custody and the accused is stated to be a singer. The detention comes after the Police had issued a lookout notice against the accused and a search was conducted everywhere.
According to the information received from the sources, the investigating police came to Ghaziabad and arrested the absconding accused Samar Singh in the suicide case of singer and actress Akanksha Dubey from the Raj Nagar Extension area of Nandgram police station limits. The police have intensified their probe to find out whether the actress was abetted to end her life.
The accused was living in hiding in Noida. According to DCP Nipun Aggarwal, the Varanasi police had come here on Thursday and help was sought in the Akanksha Dubey case. Earlier he was living in Noida and came here 4 days ago, the police will take him with them after completing all the formalities.