New Delhi: Aaftaab Poonawala used a saw to chop his live-in partner, Shraddha Walker's body into pieces, an autopsy report of her bones revealed. Delhi Police officials said, "it has come out in the autopsy report that the bones were sanded and cut with a sharp weapon. Apart from this, DNA matching of bones and laboratory examination of hair has also confirmed that the bones found in the forest belong to Shraddha Walkar."
Police sources said that the police may soon present a charge sheet in the Shraddha Walkar murder case in the Saket court." Special CP Zone 2 Dr. Sagar Preet Hooda, who is leading the investigation of the case told media persons, "the report of DNA mapping has been received by the police. A board of doctors of AIIMS was formed to conduct the autopsy of the remains, the report of which revealed that Shraddha's body was cut with a sharp weapon."