New Delhi: In a significant development to the Shraddha Walkar murder case, the Delhi Police have drafted a 3000-page chargesheet, against the accused Aaftab Amin Poonawalla for murdering his live-in partner and chopping her body into 35 pieces with a saw-like object, news agency ANI reported citing sources from the Delhi police. Apart from 100 witnesses, forensic and electronic evidence has been made on the basis of the draft charge sheet of more than 3000 pages, the sources further suggested.
It is likely that the chargesheet will be submitted by the police end of this month. Legal experts are now looking into the charge sheet draft prepared by the police, sources said. The bones recovered from the forests of Chhatarpur and their DNA report confirmed that they were Shraddha's, the police have mentioned in the chargesheet.
Also read:Shraddha's body was chopped with a saw: Autopsy report
Aaftab's confession that he murdered his partner and nature in which he committed the crime and the report of his narco test are also included in the chargesheet, though these reports will not have much importance in the court. Earlier on January 4, the police recovered samples of hair and bones from a forest area in South Delhi's Mehrauli that matched with Shraddha's.
In May last year, Aftab Poonawalla reportedly strangled Shraddha Walkar to death at his rented flat in Delhi's Mehrauli. Then he cut her body into several pieces, stored them in a fridge and disposed of them in the forests of Mehrauli located close by, over a span of few days. The shocking news of this incident which came to light months after the crime has shaken the country ever since. (With inputs from ANI)