New Delhi: A Delhi court on Tuesday took cognizance of the chargesheet filed against Aaftab Amin Poonawalla in the Shraddha Walkar murder case. The copy has been supplied to the accused. Metropolitan magistrate Aviral Shukla took cognizance of the chargesheet. The court listed the matter for scrutiny of documents on February 21.
Media entry was stopped by Delhi Police. The proceedings took place behind closed doors. Aaftab was produced physically in the courtroom. Before the hearing, Delhi Police thoroughly checked the court area with a dog squad. Delhi Police on January 24 filed a voluminous 6,629 pages chargesheet against Aaftab.
The investigating officer informed the court that the chargesheet contains 6,629 pages including the annexures. Accused Aaftab was produced through video conferencing from Tihar Jail after the expiry of judicial custody. Earlier, Aaftab had told the court that he wants to change his counsel advocate MS Khan. The chargesheet has been filed under sections of 302, 201, and other sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).