New Delhi:Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said that his government has taken a number of steps to ensure that the water situation in the national capital does not reach an alarming level.
Referring to the Niti Aayog report on water crisis in major cities in the country, Kejriwal said that in coming years, water would be a major concern but the document is creating "more alarm". He exuded confidence that the situation may not be as bad in the national capital.
"We will ensure that through the steps taken by the Delhi government, we will not allow the situation to reach to an alarming level," Kejriwal said at an event organised on water conservation at Neeti Bagh Club here.
Kejriwal said that the government has planned to conserve water in the Yamuna floodplains and build a mega reservoir between Palla and Wazirabad to deal with the water shortage in the city, particularly during the summer months.