New Delhi: Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said that the security of our borders is the priority of the Narendra Modi government and it is linked with national security and without keeping the villages secured, "we cannot keep our borders safe." “Developing vibrant villages will add an extra layer to the border security of the country. Since 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made efforts to improve border infrastructure, followed by introducing public welfare schemes for border villages and now launching the ‘Vibrant Villages Programme’ to stop migration from border villages. We consider the border villages not the last villages of the country but the first villages,” said Shah while inaugurating a workshop on the 'Vibrant Villages Programme' in New Delhi.
The Home Minister also called upon the District Collectors of border districts to take initiatives related to tourism, employment generation, agriculture, handicrafts and cooperatives, increasing basic amenities and achieving 100 per cent saturation of Central and State schemes according to the local conditions and weather of each village.
“VVP (Vibrant Villages Programme) is VVIP (Very Very Important Programme) in the true sense. Emphasis should be laid on increasing employment through cooperatives in villages under the Vibrant Villages Programme,” he said. The programme was attended by Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai, Ajay Kumar Mishra and Nishith Pramanik, Union Home Secretary, DG-ITBP, District Collectors and district development officers of the border districts under VVP and senior officers from Home Ministry and several other Union Ministers attended the workshop.