New Delhi: In the wake of a blast at the Kerala convention centre on Sunday morning, security has been beefed up around churches and at metro stations in Delhi. A senior police officer on condition of anonymity said security has been tightened across the city's main markets, churches, metro stations, bus stands, railway stations and other public places.
The officer said that teams have been informed to put barricades across the border area from the Uttar Pradesh side and Haryana side. Police in civil dress, riders and PCRs have been asked to stay on alert and not to ignore any information they receive," the officer said.
"We are keeping a strict vigil in overcrowded markets," he added. On Sunday, a blast ripped through a convention centre in Kerala's Kalamassery, killing a woman and wounding dozens. The blast occurred during the convention of the Jehovah's Witnesses -- a Christian religious group that originated in the United States of America in the 19th century.