New Delhi: As Delhi reeled under a scorching heatwave on Tuesday, its peak power demand rose to 6,916 MW, the highest this summer, discom officials said. Delhi's power demand is steadily increasing after remaining muted in much of April and May, they said. At 3:31 pm on Tuesday, it clocked 6,916 MW, the highest this season and surpassing the peak power demand 6,532 MW on Monday, discom officials said.
Cooling load is the main reason behind Delhi's power load. In fact, according to estimates, almost around 50 percent of Delhi's power demand in summers is because of the cooling load of air-conditioners, coolers and fans, they said. A punishing heatwave battered parts of Delhi with seven out of the 22 weather stations in the capital recording maximum temperatures above the 45-degree mark.
The city had recorded a peak power demand of 7,695 MW last summer and it might reach 8,100 MW this year, they said. The peak power demand in the areas covered by the discoms BRPL and BYPL, was 2,934 MW and 1,525 MW respectively, a BSES spokesperson said.