New Delhi:The Congress on Friday said that the Supreme Court-appointed Expert Committee’s report on the Adani issue saying there was no prima facie violation of rules, was “predictable” and that any attempts to term it a clean chit was “bogus.” According to the Congress leaders, the SC panel had a limited role to play in examining the SEBI oversight into the Adani issue and that a full-scale probe could only be done by a Joint Parliamentary Committee.
“The terms of reference of the SC committee were very narrow and were limited only to the regulatory framework. Which is why we have been demanding that only a JPC can look into the entire gamut of issues,” AICC social media head Supriya Shrinate told ETV Bharat.
“The three or four things that the top court has said are very significant. First, we don’t know from where the money is coming to FPI which brings us to the question of where Rs 20,000 crore came into the Adani Group. We have been flagging this issue for a long time. Second, the court observed that some of the shareholders are not fully shareholders and could be promoters of this company. There are 13 foreign funds linked to the Adani Group, which raises the issue of shell companies. Furthermore, the court said that LIC was the largest net buyer of Adani Securities and bought 4.8 crore shares from the price of Rs 1,031 to Rs 3,859. Why was the LIC of India buying shares in the Adani Group when the prices were escalating? Our research says that LIC was buying these shares by selling NTPC and Power Grid. Who commissioned that,” she said.