New Delhi: The Supreme Court Wednesday said that caste of the accused cannot be considered for showing leniency in the rape of a young girl aged between five to six years. The apex court said the case has shocked the conscience of the court and "the offence is so gruesome and heinous that it will impact the victim for her entire life”.
A bench of Justices Abhay S Oka and Pankaj Mithal said, “The caste of the accused is, per se, not a consideration for showing leniency in the cases of such offences. Here, we are dealing with a case where the victim was five to six years old”.
The bench noted that in the cause title of the judgments of the trial court and the high court, the accused's caste has been mentioned. "We fail to understand why the caste of the accused has been mentioned in the cause title of the judgments of the High Court and the Trial Court. The caste or religion of a litigant should never be mentioned in the cause title of the judgment," said the bench.
The top court stressed that an accused has no caste or religion when the court deals with his case. The apex court was hearing an appeal filed by the Rajasthan government against the high court's judgment which reduced the sentence awarded to accused Gautam from life imprisonment to 12 years in jail. The bench said that the case has shocked the conscience of the court and "the offence is so gruesome and heinous that it will impact the victim for her entire life”.
“The childhood of the victim has been destroyed. The victim's life has been ruined due to the trauma and everlasting impact on her mind. It must have converted the victim into a psychological wreck," said the bench, sentencing the accused to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 14 years. The apex court noted the high court showed leniency to the accused as he was a 22-year-old man and also belonged to a poor Scheduled Caste family, and also recorded that he was not a habitual offender.