New Delhi: The Supreme Court directed the Puducherry government today to not take any decisions having financial implications and transfer of land in the cabinet meeting on June 7th. The bench comprising Justices Indu Malhotra and MR Shah also issued a notice to the Chief Minister of Puducherry, V Narayanswamy, making him a party to the case, seeking his reply on June 21st when the next hearing is scheduled to take place.
SC issues notice to Puducherry CM in turf war The apex court was listening to the plea filed by the centre and Kiran Bedi against the Madras High Court order seeking clarification regarding powers of LG of the state and the state government. There has been a tussle going on between Kiran Bedi who is the LG of Puducherry and V Narayanswamy regarding the powers.
In April, Congress leader K Lakshminarayan had moved to the Madras High Court saying that Kiran Bedi was running a parallel government. To this Madras High Court had said that the LG could not interfere in state's day to day activity without the advice of council minister. The court had also said that rules applied in Delhi where LG assumes more power, could not be applied to Puducherry.
The decision was in contradiction to the Home Ministry's clarification. Two years back Kiran Bedi had sought clarifications from the centre regarding powers of LG and state government. The Home Ministry had replied that the LG was independent and could take decisions without the advice of the council of ministers.
The next hearing for the matter is listed to be on June 21st. Alsoread: Mamata Banerjee wants to Islamise West Bengal: BJP MP