New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Manipur government to submit an updated status report on the ethnic violence in the state, saying “want to know what steps have been taken on the ground, give us a detailed status report”. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, representing the Manipur government, submitted before a bench headed by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud that the situation in the state is improving, "though slowly".
Senior advocate Colin Gonsalves, representing the petitioner, submitted before the court that the situation has become very extreme. Mehta submitted that civil police, Indian reserve battalions, and 114 companies of CAPFs etc are deployed and urged Gonsalves to not give communal angle – like Christians or something and stressed that human beings are dealt with by law enforcement agencies.
Justice Chandrachud asked Mehta to give an updated status report and said “want to know what steps have been taken on the ground, give us a detailed status report”. Mehta said he will provide the details by Monday and added that the curfew is reduced to 5 hours from 24 hours and there is an improvement in the situation.