New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana, has asked the Delhi High Court to decide on the petition challenging the appointment of IPS Rakesh Asthana as the Delhi Police Commissioner within two weeks after which it will take up the matter.
The court was hearing a plea filed by the Centre for Public Interest Litigation challenging Rakesh Asthana's appointment. Advocate Prashant Bhushan appeared for the organization and argued that the government's decision to appoint him as the police chief four days prior to his retirement was egregious and in gross violation of the law.
Citing Prakash Singh's judgement by SC, Bhushan contended that name has to be considered at least 6 months prior and needs to be cleared by UPSC which was all not done. He said that just to accommodate Asthana all the rules and orders were thrown to vents by the government.