New Delhi:Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) Kaushal Kishore informed in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, "Under the central vista development and redevelopment master plan, four projects namely construction of new Parliament building, redevelopment of central vista avenue, construction of common central secretariat building 1,2 & 3 and construction of Vice President residence are being implemented,"
"Rs 1,289 crore has been allocated for the works of development and redevelopment of central vista in the current financial year," said Kishore.
According to the government statistics, Rs 971 crore has been estimated for the new Parliament building out of which Rs 340.58 crore has been spent so far. The deadline for this particular project is October 2022. Estimated costs of development and redevelopment central vista avenue is Rs 608 crore out of which Rs 190.76 crore has already been incurred.
The estimated costs for the common central secretariat buildings 1,2 & 3 is Rs 3,690 crore and out of which Rs 7.85 cross has already been invited. The deadline for this particular project is November 2023.