Chandigarh: A day after clashes erupted in Punjab's Amritsar between police and the supporters of pro-Khalistan preacher Amritpal Singh, police officials on Friday said that demonstrators used the Guru Granth Sahib as a shield while attacking cops, which is why the latter were unable to do anything. The demonstrators used sharp weapons and took cover under the Palki Sahib (palanquin) of the Granth Sahib, and attacked the police personnel in a 'cowardly manner', the DGP was quoted as saying.
Forces present at the spot acted with 'utmost respect' for the holy book, and had they opened fire, it would have led to further issues. We have practiced restraint as the Guru Granth Sahib was present there, Yadav also said. The clarification comes after the supporters of Singh broke through barricades and rushed inside the Ajnala Police Station in the city, where one of the preacher's aides, Lovepreet Tufan, was lodged.